45 Hacks That Will Speed Up Anyone's Daily Routine

Using Thread to Snip Hairs

If you've got long, singular hairs on your face that really need to go and don't have any better way of doing it, you can actually use thread to get them. Granted, you'll need to twist around a bunch of thread, form an hourglass shape, and perfect the technique of perfectly catching those hairs between them, but it's an option.

Of course, if you had to cut a piece of thread with a sharp blade of some sort to begin with, then chances are you could also just use that. This hack is probably more of something to try for fun than top efficiency.

Sharpening a Razor Blade

Is your razor too dull to clean your legs, face, or whatever part of your body needs trimming? You don't need to throw it away and replace it. You can lay out a pair of denim jeans and slide the blades down the fabric to sharpen them up for better performance.

Of course, this won't keep your razor going forever, but it will extend its durability by a bit, meaning you won't have to buy replacement blades quite as frequently.

Deshelling a Boiled Egg Effortlessly

Need to get a shell off of a boiled egg as quickly and painlessly as possible? Peel the tip of the shell off, then lift it up to your mouth and blow as hard as you can. If you perfect this technique, you can blow the egg white right out of the opposite end of the shell.

Of course, we wouldn't recommend doing this if you are going to have someone else eat that egg, but if it's for you, it's not like there's any harm in it.

Getting the USB Right Every Time

Do you have trouble getting your USB to go into the port the right way every time? Well, simply mark the side of the USB with a permanent marker so you know which way is up, and you won't ever have that problem again. A simple solution for a simple problem.

If you want, you could mark the computer as well to be double sure, but honestly that's not exactly needed to achieve the desired end result.

Preventing Computer Overheat

Does your computer get really hot when resting on any surface? Well, you can mitigate that risk pretty easily. If you have an egg carton that no longer has any eggs to hold, simply take the bottom, tear it away from the other half, and flip it upside down.

If you rest your computer on top of this, the fans will have more room to pull in air and keep the computer cool. This will greatly extend its effective life!