Travis Kelce Reflects on His Public Temper Tantrum at the Super Bowl
We all lose our temper sometimes, especially in the heated moment of playing an aggressive sport. However, we don’t all channel that aggression towards someone else on live TV in front of the whole world. That’s what happened with Travis Kelce when he had what can only be described as a temper tantrum at the Super Bowl, which he eventually won, despite his outburst.
The Incident
Despite Kelce's team, the Kansas City Chiefs, winning the game, things were looking rough for them for a while as the San Franciso 49ers pulled ahead. When that happened, Kelce went to have a word with his coach, Andy Reid, who's 65 years old. The athlete shouted in Reid's face and bumped him before one of his Chiefs teammates pulled him away from the coach. On that note, kudos to Jerick McKinnon for stepping in and handling the situation.