40+ Stories of Nightmare Relatives That'll Make You Go, "Phew! My Family Isn't So Bad!"

No matter how much you love your family, there will always come a time when you're angry with them. Even family can irritate you. But, you know what? It pays to remember that it could always be worse. You could have truly deplorable family members that treat you or others terribly. Today, you'll be relieved to acknowledge that none of the people on this list are your family!

No Respect for the Arts

There are worse things than being rude, but nobody likes it when a family member does something unbelievably rude in public. After all, if you're with them, you can't help but feel embarrassed by association. Such is the case here.

You should never answer a phone while at the movies or at a play. You especially shouldn't do it at a very reputable play, and that's to say nothing about this father having the gall to be offended by his daughter telling him to turn the phone off.

Have You Considered Returning It?

There are many entitled children out there, but some are a lot worse than others. A kid that's so ungrateful as to act bratty because they didn't get a particular model of an expensive device is undesirable for any parent.

Of course, the real problem is the parent allowing this kind of behavior to happen. If the kid isn't happy with their MacBook Air, return it. We're sure they'll change their tune if it's that or nothing.

Not for Sale, Not for Free

If there are things you don't plan on taking with you when you move out of your house, it's a good idea to pass them off to any relatives who want or need them. But, that's only if you want to. Your relatives shouldn't just assume they get stuff from you because you're moving.

This sister-in-law clearly doesn't feel the same way. The idea of free furniture is nice, but who said she could feel entitled to such things from her family just because they're moving?

Exposure Doesn't Cover Fuel Costs

There's nothing wrong with doing something nice for your family. But, there's something to be said if you expect your family to incur financial losses just to do you a favor that you don't really need. Everyone, even family, deserves to be compensated for their time and effort.

After all, boat fuel and operational time aren't cheap. The cousin in this exchange clearly has no concept of what he's really asking for. Otherwise, he'd know "exposure" isn't going to cut it.